How to Dispose of Your Wool Insulation

Thermogard Wool liners are made of sheep’s wool, and are 100% natural fibres. Wool is a natural insulator, providing many benefits to your cold chain packaging solution. Our liners are wrapped in either a 100% commercially and home compostable film, or a soft plastics recyclable film. This means that once you are ready to dispose of your wool liner, you can simply bury in your backyard, use in your vegetable garden or add to your worm farm, the list goes on.
Regarding the soft plastic film encased Wool Liner, the inner wool felt is still 100% biodegradable and can be added to your garden, however the soft plastic film will need to be stripped off the wool and taken either to a commercial soft plastics recycling facility or to your local supermarket soft plastics bin. To find out more on soft plastics recycling, visit our recycling page.
Sheep’s wool offers many benefits when used in a mixture as compost or mulch: as a source of slow-release nitrogen and other trace elements, in weed and pest control, moisture retention and temperature regulation. As a mulch, used to surround plants above ground, sheep’s wool provides a porous shield that helps to reduce weed growth whilst regulating soil temperatures – keeping soil cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
As Thermogard continues to adapt to the market demands, we are always innovating. Our insulation products allow our consumers to receive their goods in pristine condition, preserving freshness and help you create a more sustainable world, preserving life.