Consumer love affair with Home Delivery Services continues in 2021

There’s no doubt the seafood and home delivery market is now big business. As millions of people worldwide stayed home to stop the spread of Covid-19, home delivery became a hugely popular alternative to crowded stores and in-person shopping.
Globally, the industry has grown from $115 billion in 2020 to more than $126 billion in 2021, an annual growth rate of over 10%. And the market is predicted to grow even more to over $192 billion by 2025.
This trend mirrors the worldwide shift to e-commerce and online shopping. In 2020, over 2 billion of us purchased goods or services online. The Covid pandemic has accelerated what was an already rapidly increasing trend.
It seems that for many consumers, time spent in lockdown ignited a passion for cooking as takeaways and eating out were off the menu.
Alongside the convenience, one of the main reasons behind the popularity of food home delivery is the freshness of the produce.
After initially struggling with the operational challenges of social distancing regulations and remote working, seafood and home delivery services have bounced back.
However, a critical and often underestimated aspect of this huge logistical task is cool chain packaging. Whether it’s fresh meat and seafood or crunchy fruit and vegetables, consumers expect healthy and delicious produce every time.
According to multinational information technology consulting company Capgemini, retailers face losing up to 26% of profits if they fail to upgrade their logistics to ensure on-time delivery. And this is despite the projected increase in online home delivery markets.
Cool chain packaging plays a critical role in ensuring perishable food items are delivered in perfect condition to homes around the world.
And while the seafood and home delivery industry has been ramping up to meet consumer demand, so has the cool chain packaging sector.
Thermogard has been at the forefront. We continue to innovate and customise to ensure sustainable, cost-effective, and high performing cold chain solutions are available.
Consumer demand for seafood and home food delivery services is set to increase even more. As a global leader in cool chain packaging, you can depend on Thermogard to deliver the solutions you need to scaleup.